Reclaiming patriot
I listened to that wonderfully subversive speech and thought
about the beautiful country I had been touring and about the special area
designated at Mt. Rushmore for the exercise of free speech, and realized that I
was a raging patriot. Me, a liberal.
And that brings me to the point I want to make today.
When did “patriot” somehow become the property of the
militant right? Don’t believe me? Google “patriot”. Once you get past New
England football and various films and TV shows, you wind up at the Southern
Poverty Law Center and their list of active patriot groups. These ultra-right wing
conservatives are mostly militias or believers in wacko conspiracy theories and
are virulently anti-government.

So I’m reclaiming patriot. The wingnuts can’t have it. It’s mine.
You’ll find my house by the big American flag I’m going to hang from the
front porch. And the red, white and blue
I’ll wear whenever I can. And by the
bitching and moaning and sweating I’ll be doing while working to make us all achieve the
dreams of America.
These words by Teddy Roosevelt hang on the wall at Mt. Rushmore
and say it all for me: