Apocalypse now!
Polls. I love polls. I love Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight data web site. Anyway, the latest PPP poll asked voters whom they would vote for, if the election were held today. Here are the results:
Hillary Clinton 45%
Donald Trump 41%
Gary Johnson 5%
Jill Stein 2%
Giant Meteor 13%
What? Seems like, at this point, 13% of the electorate would prefer a giant meteor hitting the earth than any of the human candidates. By the time November rolls around and we've been exposed to endless nasty ads, we may all look for an apocalypse.
And speaking of which, here's a little poll of my own. It's totally anonymous, so feel free to be candid. I'll post the results next week. Just click on the link below.
Who is more likely to survive a Zombie Apocalypse? Liberals or Conservatives?
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